Wanting, Waiting, Wishing

Whenever these three w’s are in my life, I find myself getting distracted, unhappy and lacking.

I’m experimenting with noticing them. Because the sneaky little feelings sit right underneath the surface and I fall into them way more than I’d like to. The link between them all is this: they all live in the past or future and serve believing you don’t have enough (or don’t deserve).

When we slip into the fold of the w’s we give power to a place where reality isn’t existing. We’ve entered the fabricated world. A place where it’s pretty tough to live as there’s zero control. It doesn’t feel great as they all indicate something seems like it’s missing.

Please know, this isn’t about not having intentions or goals, rather noticing when we are feeling down and are slipping into scarcity thinking. The thing is, when we practice being genuinely present there is a lot to reconcile as plenty around us.

Wanting, wishing and waiting is basically a way of saying now isn’t right. I get that there may very well be things that need to change in the now, but I’ll be so bold as to bet that there is more in front of you that would help see a brighter perspective.

When we access a sense of perspective, we access possibility and hope. This morning, I was super grumpy and aggravated. I heard my internal little voice say – come on Suzanne – look around and find some gratitude. I did, and suddenly was seeing so many beautiful things to feel good about. Was I still annoyed at being in lockdown, cancelling a trip and feeling apart from those I love in other cities? Er, yes. 100%. But it didn’t mean I didn’t have other things right now that fill my cup.

I’ll never dismiss my feelings and suggest you don’t either. Feel them fully and understand them, nurture them as they are clues to more about the way you run your human system. Then, when honoured and seen, move into gratitude as quickly as you can. It may take a day but aim for it. It helps this funny ol’ experience of life.

Wising you were here,

(oh wait)



Do you know how your morals are failing you?

