A public, free, live online, 75 minute conversation.

Hosted monthly.

Broaden Perspectives

Unpack current societal issues

Provoke Multiple viewpoints

Understand controversies

Build empathy

Be better humans

Broaden Perspectives • Unpack current societal issues • Provoke Multiple viewpoints • Understand controversies • Build empathy • Be better humans •


• Know more about the hard stuff happening in the world

• Build a better conversation community.

What I do

• Interview super-cool people who know different stuff to us

• Unpack current social issues, in real time

• Provoke multiple viewpoints

• Broaden perspectives.

What you get

• Understand controversies

• Tackle confusing concepts

• Be the naïve enquirer

• Leave with a decent conversation starter

Together we will

• Build empathy

• Give a shit about a fairer society

• Be better Humans.

The Conversationalists

October: Poet Ali

Poet Ali has crafted a unique brand of impact and connection-driven, entertainment arts that is nothing short of a transformational experience. His TED Talks on languages have been viewed by millions. His book P.O.E.M.S picks up where his TED Talk left off and invite you to find the voice of change and unlock the song inside of you.

Ali is a compelling performer and identifiable speaker who inspires people to approach and understand their problems from unique perspectives.

His performances, presentations and writing focuses on identity, human connection, perspective shifts in problem solving, self empowerment and culture.

He is a catalyst for conflict resolution and dialogue and pulls relatable moments from a reservoir of life experience and anecdotal story-telling.

Poet’s "soulosophy" is heavily based on using our gifts as catalysts for self-discovery and the facilitation of human well-being as it pertains to business, relationships and personal growth.

 If you are looking to be-wonder, surprise and connect deeply with your audience, you have found the person to do it.

About Poet ALi

About the conversation


It can make your soul crawl out of its hiding place. It can soothe the deepest of hurts, or inspire acts of courage (or stupidity) in it name. It has sparked the greatest stories ever told and it is the social currency of our communities.

It's up for conversation.

Because what we've noticed in this information age where EVERYTHING is available to us at the touch of a keystroke, is that we as humans are forgetting how to truly EXPERIENCE what real life has to offer us. Including love.

Poet Ali is all about love. He believes it is the salve the world needs. He works to help people connect with the deepest parts of themselves so they can love in the world a little better. His Ted Talk on the language of being human has been viewed more than a million times.

I hold complex conversations to help people progress their unique visions, and ultimately humanity. I’m all about love too. Specifically - how do we collectively get more skilled at love so that we exist in fairer and more compassionate societies?

Want to hear us wax lyrical for 75 minutes on the social cost of resisting love?

Yeah you do. Come along to 'Is love going EXTINCT?' A 75 minute live, online, free conversation with a bunch of beautiful humans.

Let's discuss:

  • How do we get into life?

  • Have we forgotten how to love?

  • What's the impact on our lives collectively when we are observers rather than doers in our own life experiences?

  • How do we love fully? Without fear?

Wowee, it's shaping up to be warm, performative and entertaining...

Join us on the 21st of October.

With LOVE.

Suzanne x

About the host

Conversations are how we progress.

How we progress: ideas, perspectives, viewpoints, tolerances, relationships, and ultimately humanity.

Exploring the unsaid, tackling confusing concepts, understanding controversies, and exposing one’s naivety can be lifechanging. Literally. It’s where the new stuff can creep in.

It’s important to me that we have a place where judgement can be suspended, and thought provoking things can be shared. So that we can progress.

Ourselves, our families, our communities, and humanity.

From this frame and thinking emerged “You CAN Ask that!”

A online, free, inclusive, public, monthly conversation on a big topic.

Morals. Love. Perspective. Success. Safety. Being Heard.

Join us. We’re building a conversation community for a fairer and more compassionate society.

I’m Suzanne Waldron. And I am honoured to be your host.

“Conversation is the crucible of change. Suzanne Waldron stirs our conscience for a better world in every conversation she conducts.”
— Dr Richard Hodge
“This is a wonderful and important series of conversations. Thanks for bringing them/us together Suzanne
— Anthony James
“For those of you that like to push the boundaries of your perceptions and enjoy listening to deep and profound conversations, this will be right up your alley! Suzanne Waldron is the best facilitator I’ve been in the room with and one of the most deeply engaged listeners I’ve ever encountered.”
— Paris Mitchell
Thank you for bringing together these marvellous minds for fabulous and thought provoking conversation. A gift.
— June Participant
This was an incredible conversation - extending into culture, equity, carrying and sharing of wisdom, storytelling and spiritual change. I loved it and am looking forward to the next one.
— Michelle Mg.
Thank you for such a rich discussion - it provided so many springboards for further conversation. Had a six hour yarn about masculinity/ femininity . Lots of interesting and diverse perspectives - so rich. Thank you!
— Emma Gibbens
That’s why shows like this, You CAN Ask That! are, are so important because more telling than what you think about something , but why you think about it and how you came to think about it that way. That tells me a lot about you. And the only way to get to that place is conversation.