Suzanne has been a R U OK? Ambassador since 2015. 

I remember studying crisis counselling, and the tutor telling a story about ‘bystander apathy.’ How a building was on fire, and everyone walking past felt someone else would have called the fire fighters so didn’t make the call themselves. This inaction from the by-passers meant 80 people perished in that fire. 

It remains with me so often about how easy it is for us to turn a blind eye. Not because we are uncaring or lazy, but often because we are paralysed by not knowing or thinking we aren’t the right person to deal with a critical situation. 

So, what I love most about this movement is the peer to peer aspect. No-one needs to be an expert in mindsets to ask, listen, encourage action and check in when someone near us seems not quite themselves. R U OK? helps give us the confidence and tools to ask without needing to be perfect. This movement is about community care.

I’ve held many roles in the ambassadorship such as speaker trainer, WA Chair and spoken for many speaking and media engagements. I continue to embed the messages in as much of my work as I can, and use my voice to help others support their loved ones.” 

There are so many resources on the site, I’d encourage you to visit!