September - Sexism and Misogyny

  • Misogynists are always sexist, but sexists are not always misogynists

    Cam Fraser, Sexologist, September Conversation ‘ You CAN Ask That!

  • I don't think there's anything more valuable than what we're doing right now.

    Suzanne Waldron, Behaviour Change Expert.

  • Let's speak about masculinities plural as opposed to masculinity singular. What I advocate for is alternative expressions of masculinity.

    Cam Fraser, Sexologist.

  • Cis people don't often get the opportunity or don't allow themselves the opportunity to explore what their gender means to them with the same level of detail, that a lot of trans people do. I would invite that that exploration

    Teddy Loveny, Social Impact Leader. September Guest You CAN Ask That!

Sexism and Misogyny: Unpacking why it happens and what we can ALL do about it.

- This conversation makes me feel more open to be aware and “see” it (sexism). And also feel safe to see it and know that the awareness is the first positive step.
— September ATTENDEE

Firstly, I need to tell you something important. This episode is for people who want to understand more deeply what and why sexism and misogyny exists and what any of us can do to notice it, reduce it, and change the detrimental impact on all involved. This is for people who want to keep helping and changing this issue.

This is a true meeting of the minds, with two spectacular guests and experts.

Cam Fraser, Australia’s leading male sex coach alongside Teddy Loveny, who is a social justice and impact leader will join me to discuss, well probably the undiscussable.

This is a delicate, sensitive and much needed conversation. I truly hope you can join in.
